Thunder Bay – Tuesday – International Girls Day

Now this is very good.  Very promising. I took lots of photos.

Now colours are picking up


Starting to fade now

Now for the sun

As much sub as we are going to see this morning

The site of the future “net carbon neutral” waterfront art gallery. The mistake on the lake.  I do not know how this facility is going to be “net carbon neutral” considering the hundreds if not thousands of tonnes of carbon that have been released into the atmosphere during the entire production and transportation of construction materials and the use of fossil fueled construction equipment to build the facility.   I am still waiting for local media staff to ask the people behind this project that very question.  How long will it take the art gallery to neutralize THAT carbon?

Net carbon neutral designation is BS.  Greenwashing.

One of the city’s POSs favourite pastime.  Breaking windows.

Yup…time to forget all those that “sacrificed sooo much” for our freedom for another year.  An argument can be made that we are now less free than Canadians were back in the mid 2oth century.  A very good argument can be made.

Those who sacrificed soo much are rolling over in their graves.