Thunder Bay – Sunday – International Tongue Twister Day

I think its not a good sign when your business signs are on the ground at the rear of the building.  Did they move?

Not even going to comment on the crappy weather this am.  Miserable.   Lots of vessels out there.   Not going to be a great day for photography.  This coming week looks to be better. Fingers crossed.

I see a lot of these floating around.  Maybe its the same one over and over again.  Foam filled tires used in dock construction.

Sitting it out.  These geese are in no hurry to get airborne.

An abandoned umbrella.  It would be hard to use in this wind.

Trash in context

This is why I go out in all conditions. You never know what you will see.

Dropped by Waverley Park to see what was left at the cenotaph. Two handmade wreaths from Holy Cross JK/SK and Holy Cross Grade 1 classes. Lots of poppies.