Thunder Bay – Thursday – Make Things Easier Day

Not going to see any kind of sunrise this morning. At least its not raining….or snowing.

Pole watch…Nothing happening so far

MV Ocean Castle at Richardson’s

As good as it got this morning.

I noticed that the water’s edge was further out than usual.

The last rose in Marina Park?  Will it reach full bloom?  I will keep an eye on it.

Trash in context.

My first feral poppy.  I expect to see many more soon.

Pearl Street railway crossing.  Lots of spilled grain.  I wonder how much grain is lost while being transported?  Pigeons must be happy.

Surprisingly, there are still glass bottles around.

Trash in context.  Lots of colour here.

Is that candy corn pictured laying around the pumpkin?  My understanding is that candy corn sucks.

What does it say about Thunder Bay when you can find so many discarded beer cans laying around public areas?  Maybe the deposit on beer cans needs to be higher.

Someone was worried about theft of their red bag?

Water bottle photo