Thunder Bay – Wednesday -National Square Dancing Day

Still unclaimed.  Will it still be there come spring? Ice starting to form A pair of ships out there this morning.  The MV Frontenac on the right.  The MV Oakglen on the left Some nice colours Maybe some colour in the clouds over there? A touch of colour? Better than nothing but just barely. I … Read more

The World – Slowly, The Story Of Gaza Is Coming Out

 The more information that comes out of the war in Gaza, the worse Israel looks. Why did Hamas take hostages?  Turns out, to use as bargaining chips in order to get Palestinian prisoners being held by Israel released.  Palestinian prisoners, many who were children, many were women, many were being held without charges.  

Thunder Bay – Tuesday – Red Planet Day

Trash in context I guess the next time I see this cup will be spring 2024.  It will be up on the boulevard instead of the gutter as I expect the snow plows will move it over. Free bicycle still unclaimed.  Looks like you can’t even give these things away nowadays.  A bike was a … Read more

Canada – Can Canada Mine Enough Minerals To Feed The EV Revolution?

Can Canada mine enough minerals to feed the EV revolution? Canada has much catching up to do on the mining front to meet the federal government’s electric vehicle (EV) targets. There needs to be “massive and rapid expansion” of mining and metal refining in short order to meet Ottawa’s mandated demand that all new passenger … Read more

The World – Victimhood

 “When you elevate victimhood as virtue, you will create a culture in which people are tripping over themselves to be oppressed.”  – Allie Beth Stuckey Allie Beth Stuckey has captured the global culture in one sentence.  Is there anyone left in the world that does not see themselves as victims?  As oppressed? I believe … Read more

Thunder Bay – Monday – National Lawrence Day

Geez…Winter arrived today with a vengeance. There is a chance of something happening this morning. I hope my cameras keep working. Well, better than nothing As good as it got Nice clouds Ice is forming very quickly How do you not know that you no longer have this in your possession? Nice blanket. Free for … Read more

The World – Tiny Fraction Of Global Elites Emit As Much Carbon As Bottom Two-Thirds Of Humanity

Tiny Fraction Of Global Elites Emit As Much Carbon As Bottom Two-Thirds Of Humanity Critics who rail against the hypocrisy of wealthy global elites jet-setting on carbon-spewing private planes while pontificating about the need for the rest of us to cut our climate footprints just got a boost from a new study. Jets airplanes are … Read more

Thunder Bay – Sunday – National Eric Day

Another free bicycle for the taking.  Chain might need some TLC. Nice colour this morning on the waterfront Sadly, no sunrise this morning.  Yes, the sun will rise beyond those clouds but if we can’t see it, then sooo what. As good as it got this morning Public art. The city’s future Mensa candidates were … Read more

Thunder Bay – Saturday – Aura Awareness Day

Nice sunrise this morning Watch the clouds turn colour Peak colour Colours fading. Sun peeking out from behind the giant I had to crank  down the exposure comp in order to keep the sun from blowing out the highlights. Gull had a bad day. I always figured it was an eagle that killed this gull … Read more