The World – You Cannot Criticize Israel….Ever. That Country Is Untouchable. Why Is That?

  Why is Israel, which is a country, beyond criticism? A person can criticize any other country in the world.  Iran, Saudi Arabia, US, Canada, India, China, Russia, Japan, UK, France, Indonesia, Thailand, any country.  Countries that are religious based.  Muslim countries get coitized all the time.  China gets criticized by many countries. But … Read more

Thunder Bay – Tuesday -Bat Appreciation Week

Overcast with showers.  Nothing to see out there this morning. As good as it got. Not sure what this is. A fishing lure?  Frozen fish with fishing line?  There is fishing line.  Is there a hook in it?  What I do know is that the crows would not go near it.  I removed it soo … Read more

Thunder Bay – Sunday – International CAPS LOCK DAY

Not overcast.  Not many clouds either.  Should be a straight forward sunrise.  I will, of course, take waaaay too many photos Nice colour in the clouds her comes the sun Steam as well Bought it but did not like it?  Chop sticks. I guess we will see if the gulls want it. Maybe the crows. … Read more

Thunder Bay – Saturday – Count Your Buttons Day

Just out for the exercise today. I an not expecting anything as far as a sunrise is concerned.  Its overcast with showers expected. Just a slit in the clouds Not really promising. Well, this was unexpected It didn’t last very long though. This is interesting The site of the future waterfront “net carbon neutral” art … Read more

The World – World’s Electric Grids Incapable Of Supporting Renewable Energy Goals: Agency

World’s Electric Grids Incapable Of Supporting Renewable Energy Goals: Agency Electricity grid capacity available in the world isn’t keeping pace with the rapid growth of “clean energy” technologies, possibly putting governments’ climate goals at risk, according to a recent report by the International Energy Agency (IEA). In order to achieve climate goals set by global … Read more

Thunder Bay – Friday – Information Overload Day

All the ingredients are there for a nice sunrise. As good as it got. I was hoping for better but at least it was not overcast. and so the day has begun A planting operation is going on along the new Pool 6 trail.  Hopefully, the plants will not grow more than a metere in … Read more

Thunder Bay – Thursday – Evaluate Your Life Day

Overcast this morning.  There is a solid layer of cloud covering the entire sky.  No spectacular sunrise this morning.  Probably won’t wee the sun at all. As good as it got. Artsy There was a surprise this morning. A Snow Goose travelling with a flock of Canada Geese.   How desperate am I for a … Read more

Thunder Bay – Wednesday – World Menopause Day

Promising sunrise. Forecast was for rain sooo you see, you never can tell. Looks good The sun has risen but its still behind some clouds The City of Thunder Bay is not innocent when it comes to replacing glass with plywood.  I suspect this plywood is going to be around for a while.  Its getting … Read more