The World – What Happens If You Crash An EV? No Idea, Says Car Industry.

Something about EV ownership that nobody is talking about:  insurance costs and repairs.

How much is the cost of insuring a vehicle that, after one year, the battery is worth more than the rest of the car?  The damaged car might end up being written off because the repair would cost more than the vehicle is worth even if the vehicle is only a year old. If that happens, I expect your insurance premiums to go up substantially.

Who is going to repair your EV?   Does anyone have the tools and knowledge locally to do that?   Storing an EV?  Where?  Not around other cars. Not inside.  EVs have a history of bursting into flames. Flames of a fire which, as of right now, cannot be put out using current fire fighting equipment and technology.

How long will repairs take?  Will your loaner car be another EV?  Probably not.