Thunder Bay – Friday – World Lemur Day

When streets are wet, you get nice reflections in night photos

Waiting on a train

Still trying to get a decent photo of this

The rock thing.  Could have been better had it been planned/designed.  What a difference it would make if the winter solstice sunrise appeared in the opening?  You know, like a kind of winter Stonehenge?

The summer solstice would not work as the sun rises way off in another direction. It would not work. The winter solstice though would.

These were not planted. Why not?  Waste.

Noticed these leaves floating in the marina.

Ah yes. Its the time of year that I must point out the stupidity of planting trees around the fountain pond.  In the fall, the leaves fall off of the trees.  This is a fact that everyone knows.  Even the high salaried residents of City Hall know this.

At some point later in the fall, the parks workers will be installing an ice surface in the pond.  Before this can be done though, all of the leaves must be removed from the pond area.  Leaves in the ice is not a great situation.

The problem is that all the leaves have not fallen off of the trees when its time to put in the ice.  Sooo, some leaves till end up in the ice.

I remember one year, park workers picked the remaining leaves off of the trees before putting  in the ice. Yes.

I believe that the idiot that decided that these trees needed to be here should be responsible, every year, for removing all of the leaves.  Forever.

If shade id what you are after, a series of large metal umbrellas would have worked very well.  They would be more colourful.  Festive. And easily removed.

I just do not understand what the person or persons could have been thinking.

And this mess will be a problem for decades yet to come.  PLUS as the trees grow, there will be MORE leaves every year.

Some fall colours

I really like the colours that these three trees are producing.

This one of my pet peeves. One of many.  A construction workers ahead sign when there are no workers in sight.  This reduces the impact of the signs as drivers get used to seeing this.   If workers are not there, remove the sign.   Simple.  They are not meant to be left up for days.

Looks like the blooms are all gone

Not sure that this bike frame will be taken with the trash OR the recycling.