Thunder Bay – Tuesday -Bat Appreciation Week

Overcast with showers.  Nothing to see out there this morning.

As good as it got.

Not sure what this is. A fishing lure?  Frozen fish with fishing line?  There is fishing line.  Is there a hook in it?  What I do know is that the crows would not go near it.  I removed it soo the crows would be able to get the peanuts.

Not in numerical order.  It bothers me.

The sky started to show some life and colour.

More colour

A Marina Park picnic meal.

Either this was stolen or the person had more money than they knew what to do with.   Can’t say that I have ever seen a discarded vegetable tray.

The lid shows a best before date of October 23 soo maybe the price was reduced?   I still can’t see any of this city’s street urchins buy this.   They seem to be more fast food/junk food connoisseurs..

A real mystery.

ITS NOT CHRISTMAS YET!!!!!!! Too soon. Much too soon.

Trash in context.

Water bottle photo