Thunder Bay – Monday – International Swallows Depart from San Juan Capistrano Day

Calling for overcast with showers.  Still, there is a very nice morning sky. At least, along the horizon.


Not going to see the sun today. Still, it was quite the show.

Graffiti is everywhere in this city.

Discarded clothing. Plaid. Once you go plaid, you never go back.

Time to remove this table.  Remove the table and maybe this portion of the park will not be a dump site for trash.

Water bottle photo

Had to wait for a train.

Fall colour

Yellowbagger was here. Another Dew Drop Inn client leaves his/her trash laying around.

If the community gives food, clothing and housing to this segment of the city’s population, what is it that this segment of the city’s population gives back to the city?   Is it too much to ask for something in return?   Something as simple as not leaving their trash laying all over the city?   Maybe volunteer?  Maybe go to school? Learn a trade?  Better yourself?  Get clean and sober?  Anything?

Why is it a sin to ask for something in return?  Personally, I believe it should be mandatory. There needs to be some sort of a light at the end of the social support tunnel.  An end.

Of course, all of the people that make money off of the Unhoused Industrial Complex or the Substance Abuse Industrial Complex or the Indigenous Peoples Industrial Complex want this to go on forever. THAT is the real issue.

People are rewarded for irresponsible behaviour.  Penalized for responsible behaviour.  previous related post here and  here