Thunder Bay – Saturday – Count Your Buttons Day

Just out for the exercise today. I an not expecting anything as far as a sunrise is concerned.  Its overcast with showers expected.

Just a slit in the clouds

Not really promising.

Well, this was unexpected

It didn’t last very long though.

This is interesting

The site of the future waterfront “net carbon neutral” art gallery. AKA the mistake on the lake.  Reinforcing steel is almost complete in the footing.  Concrete soon.


The giant is showing some colour. I am sure it looks reat with the afternoon sun shining on it.  Not today though.  Not going to see any sun today.

OK. I am not an expert on these things.  The whole setup procedure and all. Still, I don’t think it would be too hard to ensure that the setup allows for the toilet seat to stay up. It helps people with penises  ( used to be called males) be more successful. A much bigger target hole to aim for.

I am sure that we, taxpayers, are forking out money for a proper portable toilet setup.  It should be written in the contract and enforced.

Trash in context.

This new.  As if that “no garbage” sign is going to matter.  This is Thunder Bay!!!  People do not care. They just don’t care/

I know that I photograph these trees daily but they are sooo colourful. The colour will be all gone soon.   I am enjoying it while its still here.

Yup. I am in Thunder Bay.  I guess this counts as a water bottle photo as well.  It looks like there was some of the city’s ever growing POS population enjoying the park last night.   Yes, they could place this stuff into a trash can. They could.  But since they have no stake in whether this city succeeds or fails, whether companies create jobs here, they just drop their trash wherever they happen to standing or sitting.  In a park? On the street?  In a flower bed?  In a doorway?  Anywhere EXCEPT in a trash can. They don’t care.   They don’t have to care.  They are encouraged to not care. Nothing is their fault.  They are victims.  Victims don’t have to care.

Ah…more signs that the city’s POS population was out and about last night.  Why do this?   They do it because….just because.  They know that there is zero penalties for vandalism.  Nothing.   Life is all carrot. No stick.  If you are seen as a victim, its all carrot for you.

Taxpayers pay for those carrots.

Trash in context.