Thunder Bay – Thursday – Evaluate Your Life Day

Overcast this morning.  There is a solid layer of cloud covering the entire sky.  No spectacular sunrise this morning.  Probably won’t wee the sun at all.

As good as it got.


There was a surprise this morning. A Snow Goose travelling with a flock of Canada Geese.


How desperate am I for a decent photo today?  I photographed a reflection  and flipped it.

There is still a lot of colour out there but not for long.

In Thunder Bay, it does not take long for the growing population of POSs to turn someone’s attempt to improve the look of a “abandoned”  building’s front into something disgusting.

Sadly, there is zero punishment for vandalizing private property.  A person only gets a 5 year prison sentence for murdering someone in this town. What is the penalty for doing this?  Nothing.

Bring back the stocks.  Place then in the busiest section of the city. Make vandals sit there everyday for a week with a sign hanging around their neck telling everyone who they are and what they did.  Broadcast it on the city’s website.

Once released from that, required them to remove the graffiti by cleaning it or painting over it.  Public humiliation.

Something needs to be done. Its getting out of hand.  We are using all carrot and no stick. We need more stick. There needs to be consequences.

Everything can be tied back to the family unit, or lack thereof.  Its that simple.  Single parent families.  I am sure its the root cause of many social issues.