Thunder Bay – Tuesday – Wear Something Gaudy Day



Looks like there was still wine left in the container.  Later, I noticed a trio hanging out in front of the Whalen Building passing one of these around.  It was 10 am.  Sooo, it was breakfast?

Technically, it IS fruit juice.  Fermented fruit juice.  Kelly’s finest rotgut wine will kill you in the long run.  Its cheap.  That is all its got going for it.  A cheap drunk.  Still, 10 am?

Well at least its not overcast. Sky might be TOO clear though.

There is fog/mist out there

Steam?  Its that time of year when the water is warmer than the air.

The clods/fog/mist look very cool.

Looks like a snowflake

Golden Hour

Frost this morning.

Hope springs eternal.  These roses are not giving up.

Going to spend millions dollars upgrading the Water Street transit terminal.

OK…there is the phone number. One of our high salaried residents of City Hall need to get the building’s owner to do something about that plywood window.  Its been there for many moths. Maybe years.

Do it for the other businesses that are trying to survive down there.

Water bottle photo

Edible Food  forests.  What I have found is that most if not all of the fruit ends up rotting on the ground.   Sooo what’s the point?