Thunder Bay – Monday – World Allergy Awareness Day

An overcast morning. I doubt I will see any sunrise at all.

Shopping carts in love.

Just as I thought. Just a solid grey sky.

As good as it got.

Construction site of the future “net carbon neutral” waterfront art gallery.

Still some colour in the trees. If the sun was shining, those colours would be amazing.

Trash in context. Looks like someone was fishing trash out of the water.

The giant is showing some colour.  The afternoon light would brighten those colours.

An attempt at art. A good use of spray paint.

Hard to believe but people drink hand sanitizer.  Since this photo was taken in Marina Park, I am very sure that it was not used to sanitize someone’s hands.   Saves a trip to the LCBO if you can buy it at Freshco.

Water bottle photo.  Never heard of that brand of cigarettes.  I remember there being only a few brands back in the day.  I suspect this brand was purchased on the reserve.

Chairwatch.  Its gone.  So is the cart.  I thought it would be around into December.  Someone must have a made a call to our high salaried residents of City hall.

Trash in context

Water bottle photo

There has been some cleanup work done on the construction site of the former Finnish Labour Temple.

Free the can!  Maybe this cleanup attempt on the site might FREE THE CAN!