Thunder Bay – Friday The 13th

Yes, I know.  Can’t help myself though.

Mostly clear skies. I am not expecting much in the way of sunrise  but you never know.

Its where the sun is rising.  Looks like Hell.


Looks like this cup is ripe and ready for picking.  I am sure that few people know that these cups grow on bushes.   If they are not picked, they fall off and are blown around by the wind.  Become trash.

Of course.  Is this hate speech?  It must offend someone.

Chair is still there.  Corner of Algoma and Pearl Streets for those of you wish to see it in person.

Pepsi, the drink of the city’s POSs.

Oh come on.  There is still a mouthful or two left in the bottle.  Once again, this is proof that people in this city have too much money.

An optimistic plant growing around a catchbasin.  There might be some heat coming out of the grate.