The World – Amendments To The International Health Regulations

This is a very important subject that few if any people have any knowledge about. What amendments?  What do they say?  How doe it affect me?   We do not know the answer to any of those questions.  And we should.

The WHO is trying to amend the World Health Regulations.  If a country does not opt out by December 1, 2023 then  these regulations become binding to all people in that country and is enforceable by the government of that country WITHOUT a discussion and vote in parliament.

A small group of  unelected individuals that nobody knows PLUS  representatives of the corporations that will reap billions of dollars in profits from edicts issued by them, will decide what is to be injected into your body,  masking, lockdowns etc.

You will have zero recourse because leaders of our elected governments will just say that they are just following orders.   No choice.

Here is a link to the website that covers this issue.