Thunder Bay – Sunday – World Octopus Day

Hard to say what kind of a sunrise its going to be this morning.  There are clouds, so it could be good.

Looks like this boat is heading over to be taken out of the water for the winter.

We have some colour in the clouds



This is good. Now if the water was calm, there would be nice reflections. That would be better but this is good.

Where the sun will be making its appearance

We are reaching peak colour

There is the sun

Cloud colour has faded

Still dramatic though.

Of course.  Write on the picnic tables.  Why wouldn’t you?   This looks MUCH better than it did before they marked it up.    This is what tourists come to see.

Oooo, some Thunder Bay glass in the overpass.  Looks great!  Looks like the down cores.

Like I said, people have waaaaay too much money.  Throwing food away.

Hard to believe that people in this city are hard pressed to find something to eat.  Looks like people have TOO much to eat.

Water bottle photo

Watched the guy leave this here.  He was pushing it up Pearl Street. The chair was loaded onto a shopping cart.   It fell off of the cart when he was crossing Algoma Street.  Sooo he left it here. Now its someone else’s problem.  In Thunder Bay, you can abandon pieces of furniture anywhere you want.  How long is this going to lay here?  Come snow, the sidewalk plow will have hard time going around this.

Tis the season
