Canada – Canada To Create Registry Of Podcasters In Potential Censorship Initiative 

Canada To Create Registry Of Podcasters In Potential Censorship Initiative

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is taking Canada down a dangerous path of censorship to regulate streaming services and social media platforms. The next regulation phase comes as some podcasters will soon have to register with the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission.

The Online Streaming Act, formerly Bill C-11, goes into effect on Nov. 28, meaning any online streaming service that operates in Canada and generates revenue of more than $10 million in a given year will have to register with CRTC.

The Canadian government pitches the new rule as a “modern broadcasting framework that can adapt to changing circumstances. To do that, we need broad engagement and robust public records.” It requires those podcasters to register with CRTC ‘only once’ and “collects basic information” from them, such as:

“First, the CRTC is setting out which online streaming services need to provide information about their activities in Canada.”

So what’s with the government creating a database of prominent podcasters?

One potential reason could be for the Liberal government to censor unapproved government narratives quickly. Having a registry of podcasters and the type of content they create makes it much easier for those in the government’s censorship department.

The CRTC now wants to regulate podcasts,” Toronto Sun’s Brian Lilley posted on X, adding, “Here is my simple message to them. Go to hell.”

On Sunday morning, Elon Musk chimed in on the conversation, responding to X account Wall Street Silver: “Regulate podcasts!?” 

While Trudeau has called everyone under the sun a ‘Nazi,’ from a Jewish member of parliament named Melissa Lantsman to “Freedom Convoy” trucker protesters, the radical leftist prime minister recently applauded a literal Waffen-SS Nazi with Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky in Canada’s Parliament.

Trudeau immediately blamed “Russian disinformation” for applauding the Nazi.

Even though Trudeau eventually apologized for applauding the Nazi, his attempt to distort reality is another sign that the government routinely engages in mass censorship campaigns and further wants to regulate what podcasters have to say.

Remember, building a registry makes the job much easier for the government.  –

article website here

This sounds like something that happens in countries like China where the government controls every aspect of your life.   I am sure this happened in Nazi Germany as well.

Canada is quickly becoming the exact type of country it is always claiming is an “enemy to democracy”. Throw in the embrace of digital ID/passports etc, and government controlled digital currencies and you have a country where everything about your life is in the hands of government.  Think about that.

We have met the enemy and he is us. – Walt Kelly, Pogo cartoon.

Trudeau must go.  He is single-handily destroying this country. A once great nation is quickly becoming a second rate Banana Republic..  An American puppet state. And nobody cares.

Canada bought second hand F-18 jets from Australia.  From Australia!

Below is a video where Russel Brand explains it all:

Your government at work with your best interests in mind:

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