Thunder Bay – Saturday

Quite the sky this morning There was sun for a short period Then it disappeared behind some clouds More clothes Reflections Fountain pond has been drained. Fun with trash McDonald’s  Apple Pie box Artsy Looks like someone got a free apple.  Red Delicious. Trash in context Change Not mine This is a continuance  of yesterday’s  … Read more

Thunder Bay – Friday

Cool morning but there is sun. Rail cars Morning sky photo Northern Flicker Looks like LU students going out for a paddle Lots of canoes Artsy A real mouthful Squirrel! Trash in context A rare glass beer bottle. Steam Whistle beer. You take colour wherever you find it. Looks like this is someone’s bedroom, dining … Read more

The World – 3 Reasons There’s Something Sinister With the Big Push for Electric Vehicles

3 Reasons There’s Something Sinister With the Big Push for Electric Vehicles 25 refrigerators. That’s how much the additional electricity consumption per household would be if the average US home adopted electric vehicles (EVs). Congressman Thomas Massie—an electrical engineer—revealed this information while discussing with Pete Buttigieg, the Secretary of Transportation, President Biden’s plan to have … Read more

Thunder Bay – Thursday

Trash in context I liked the lines and patterns I guess there is no rush to replace the glass with glass.  How long before the inevitable fire? Morning sky photo A couple pairs of pants. and some shirts.   Probably got them for free. Commercial fishing operation. Not sure what’s up with the Jolly Rodger flag … Read more

Thunder Bay – Wednesday

Not great conditions for photography this morning. Overcast. Very windy. Drizzle. Noticed the windows were broken on this building on Monday morning.  Still broken two days later.  How much rain entered the building through those broken windows? I am starting o believe that this building is ripe for “demolition via arson”.   Our high salaried residents … Read more

Thunder Bay – Tuesday

  I know you are probably getting tired of these morning sun photos.  Sorry but I just can’t help myself. One of the bird condos located at the waterfront construction site of the “net carbon neutral” mistake on the lake. Morning sky photo and then there is some AI art pieces….album cover for 90s Trash … Read more

Thunder Bay – Monday – Labour Day

Looks like some of the city’s ever growing POS population has been busy. Someone decided that all the ground floor windows HAD to be broken. Not an uncommon sight in the the City of Thunder Bay’s rapid decent into shitsville status.  Rampant vandalism.  Dozens of “zombies” wandering aimlessly around the city’s cores harassing  passersby for … Read more

Thunder Bay – Sunday

Lots of beverage containers laying around the city.  Must have something to do with yesterday’s heat.  Trash in context. Water bottle photo Trash in context. Colour Black and white. Trash in context Water bottle photo   Nice clouds Nice morning sun/clouds Rail cars Waterfront construction Giant Morning sky photo Trash in context Have the tents … Read more

Thunder Bay – Saturday

Friday night’s alright for drinkin’ Lucky its Saturday. If it was Monday to Friday, the person who left this in this parking space would have to put some money in the parking meter. Nice condensation pattern.   Looks like it was a full jar of Compliments brand pasta sauce. Waterfront art piece located at the … Read more