Thunder Bay – Saturday – International Eat An Apple Day

Up before the sun again MV Resko MV Federal Bristol MV Mamry That is where the sun is going to rise And here it comes   Tried to get fancy. The day has officially begun The clouds did provide some additional colour The site of the future “mistake on the lake” art gallery.  Still building … Read more

Thunder Bay – Friday

An overcast day with showers.  No spectacular sunrise this morning. When is a grey overcast day, black and white is an option. Trash in context. There are nice reflections Morning sky photo Leaves are starting to change colour. Cloud reflections.   Too bad the sky was not more interesting. Squirrel Almost ready for tomorrow. Festival entrance … Read more

Thunder Bay – Thursday

Clear sky this morning.  Some colour but nothing amazing. Still, its better than an overcast sky. Cormorant is out getting some breakfast Outrigger paddlers out for their morning paddle Finally, the sun appears and so the day begins Roses are still blooming Morning sky photo The construction site of the “mistake on the lake”  net … Read more

Thunder Bay – Wednesday

Got up early and made it down to the waterfront before the sunrise. The sky did not look promising buy you never know. Conditions can change quickly. MV Florence Spirit I will be lucky to see the sun at all this morning. MV Verila A surprise as the MV Viking Polaris cane into port.   … Read more

Thunder Bay – Tuesday

Interesting clouds this morning I noticed this on the section of Court Street reconstructed last year.  The bike lane to be more exact.   Water gathers in low spots.  the lower, the more water sits there. What I noticed is there seems to be a regular spacing of low spots. Not sure what that means other … Read more

Thunder Bay – Monday – September 11 – 22nd Anniversary

Sooo, where were you 22 years ago? Dragged myself out of bed early enough to get down to the waterfront before sunrise. Getting close here it is   Nice colour in the clouds and so the day begins and a rainbow as well. Hmmm….   a discarded jacket Northern Flicker.  This guy is becoming a daily … Read more

Thunder Bay – Sunday

Hydrants used to be repainted regularly. The painting of traffic lines and symbols on last years Court Street rod reconstruction. What I have seen over the years as this city does not have the ability to apply this type of thermoplastic material successfully.  The application requires heat to adhere to the asphalt surface. .  The … Read more

Canada – Politicians Don’t Actually Want Housing To Be “Affordable”

First of all…will someone PLEASE define what an “affordable housing unit is.   How much will it cost?  What is an affordable price?  Numbers please. Do politicians and the governments they inhabit REALLY want housing to be affordable?    Is there not a conflict of interest here. Think about it.  What would happen if all of … Read more

The World -Has The Time Come For Us To Resist Tyranny?

 Yes… we are now being treated as serf by our elected leaders, the global elite class.  A  serf is a member of the lowest feudal class, legally bound to a landed estate and required to perform labor for the lord of that estate in exchange for a personal allotment of land. We have become … Read more