Thunder Bay – Friday – Last Day Of Summer

Fall starts at 2:50 am EDT tomorrow morning Foggy morning.  Not going to be much of a sunrise this morning. Still, you have to go and make sure.  It could be the best sunrise ever. Its like being in a 40s  film noir movie. Not a huge crowd in Marina Park this morning. Your morning … Read more

The World – More On The Missing F-35

 F35 pilot who ejected over South Carolina is heard pleading for an ambulance in bizarre 911 call from resident’s house and admitting ‘I’m not sure where my plane is’ The pilot of a $100million F35 fighter jet who ejected over South Carolina over the weekend can be heard pleading for an ambulance and admitting he … Read more

The World – More On The Missing F-35

Pilot ejected F-35 due to bad weather? Seriously? This is the aircraft that our government, after years of pissing around, picked to replace the CF-18s? A plane that gets into trouble in bad weather? previous related post here

Thunder Bay – Thursday – World Mini Golf Day

Today is Telegraph Pole Appreciation Day in the UK. Yes, its a thing. Looks like someone or someones had a good time last night. This is the train that was blocking the Pear Street entrance to Marina Park.  What that means is I must walk down to the pedestrian overpass. Only one person sleeping in … Read more

Thunder Bay – Tuesday – International Talk Like A Pirate Day

Arrrr…avast matey!   Welcome to International Talk Like A Pirate Day Thar be art! Arrrr Skallywag’s were up to no good.  No good bilge rats. The Finnish Book Store window was broke. ’tis a shame.  Keelhaul the bastards! I be confused.  Why be this here? ’tis an ugly wall.  Pretty up the wood with some paint. … Read more

Thunder Bay – Monday – Hug A Greeting Card Writer Day

Another early morning Trash in context Promising morning sky today Heading out to kill some fish. Nice colour banding   The sun finally makes an appearance. and so the day begins Trees are starting to turn colour   Gum that was stepped on. Beaver Still cleaning up after the music festival. Trash in context. Looks … Read more

Canada – Prime Minister Trudeau Threatens A ‘Grocery Tax’ On Food Retailers To Mitigate Rising Grocery Prices – A Problem That His Government Help Cause

Trudeau threatens a ‘grocery tax’ on food retailers to mitigate rising grocery prices While at the Liberal caucus retreat in London, Ontario, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau demanded grocers devise a plan to stabilize prices by Thanksgiving. Otherwise, tax measures may be on the way for retailers. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Sean Kilpatrick Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has … Read more