Thunder Bay – Wednesday – World Tourism Day

Trash in context Up early today. Heading down to the Pool 6 trail to catch the sunrise.  Hoping for the best. Some colour out there. MV Maccoa Oh well, could be worse. There is the sun.  A small gap between the land and the clouds. Still behind a thin veil of clouds As good as … Read more

Thunder Bay – Tuesday

Another morning in the park.  The Delta Hotel Fish cleaning station MV Manitoulin Some colour in the sky There is the sun.  Behind some clouds Sunrise The sculpture at the art gallery, the mistake on the lake, construction site. Bees Still blooming Looks like sperm with sparkles.  There might be a story behind this.  Might … Read more

Canada – Canada’s Speaker Resigns After Honoring Nazi Now-Wanted For Extradition By Polish Minister

Canada’s Speaker Resigns After Honoring Nazi Now-Wanted For Extradition By Polish Minister Update (1420ET): The Speaker of Canada’s House of Commons, Anthony Rota, has resigned after leading Parliament in praising a Ukrainian man who moved to Canada after fighting for a Nazi unit. “I must step down as your Speaker,” Rota said, adding “I reiterate my profound regret.“ … Read more

Canada – Canada’s Parliamentary Love Story For Waffen SS Nazis Just Won’t Die

Yup…Trudeau is a coward, blaming everyone else for creating this massive international political shitstorm when in truth, its his government’s failure to perform due diligence vetting Hunka. This is odd because Justin had no problem labeling the truckers involved in the Ottawa protest s “Nazis”.   They did not get a standing ovation in the House … Read more

Thunder Bay – Monday – German Butterbrot Day

Early morning makes for great black and white.  High contrast. Well there will be a sunrise with colour.  Still a lot of clouds though. Nice This is pretty good. Here comes the sun and so the day begins   A nice mix of colour More than I used to throw away.  I would eat my … Read more

Canada – Canadian Government Loves Nazis – Hates Russians Even When The Russians Are Our Allies

When virtue signaling goes bad.  Really bad.  Losing your job level of bad. Canada’s House Speaker Apologizes For Honoring Actual Nazi; Still Radio Silence From ADL Update: The Canadian speaker of the House of Commons has issued an apology after he asked the entire Parliament to give a standing ovation last week to a 98 year old … Read more

Thunder Bay – World Bollywood Day

Once governments bring in their Central Bank Digital Currencies and dump cash, yard sales will need to use mobile point of sale devices AND collect sales tax. Nice sunrise this morning Lots of colour   Here comes the sun Big orange ball   Tractor tire prints on concrete We need a bylaw requiring the removal … Read more

Thunder Bay – Saturday – First Day Of Fall

Is this attractive?  The thing is that the posters never get removed.  They can be up there for years. No sunrise roday MV Maccoa. Lots of volour now. The leaves are dropping quickly. Culture Days?   This is a thing? Bugs me to no end.   Can you see it?   No symmetry.  No designer worth their salt  … Read more

The World – Is Argentina’s Past Canada’s Future?

 The video is about Argentina’s continuing  financial crises.   Worth a watch as it might open a window into Canada’s and Ontario’s and even the City of Thunder Bay’s financial future.. What it mentions is that 40% of the population is  living in poverty.  Social welfare.  Entitlements.  One third of the workforce is employed by … Read more