Canada – ‘Catastrophically Stupid’: Andrew Bolt Unleashes On Justin Trudeau For Nazi Incident

The Australian media gets to kick Justin around over Nazigate.

One thing I found interesting is that mainstream media outlets are trying to downplay Hunka’s Ukrainian SS Division’s evilness by always pointing out that , in the 1980s, a Canadian commission of inquiry found that “charges of war crimes” against the Ukrainian SS division had “never” been substantiated.

It would seem that Poland and many Jewish organizations disagree with that finding. In fact, the Government of Poland is request Hunka’s extradition to face war crime charges.  Will Canada extradite the man?  My belief is no.   Canada loves Nazis.  Except when truckers protested in Ottawa.  Then the term Nazi was used to slur the protesters.

Canada is in a enviable position. It can love and hate Nazis at the same time.

Oh, by the way, I believe that this incident in our House of Commons will be the start of drastic change in the war in Ukraine.  Zeleinskyy’s days as leader of Ukraine are now numbered.  The optics provided by Zelenskyy applauding and raising a fist in the air to salute Hunka will not go down very well with his supporters in NATO and the EU.