The World – Is Argentina’s Past Canada’s Future?

The video is about Argentina’s continuing  financial crises.   Worth a watch as it might open a window into Canada’s and Ontario’s and even the City of Thunder Bay’s financial future..

What it mentions is that 40% of the population is  living in poverty.  Social welfare.  Entitlements.  One third of the workforce is employed by the state.  Lots of subsidies.

Soo0 40+30 means that 70% of the population are suckling off of the government teat.   That means that only 30% of the population is financially supporting the entire country. Sounds like Thunder Bay.

If housing is a human right, then who pays for that?  Food Redistribution, who pays for that?   Universal Income, who pays for that?   Social Services, who pays for that?

The City of Thunder Bay is financially dependent on senior levels of government. Extremely dependent.

Argentina is our country’s future.  Its obvious.