Thunder Bay – Wednesday -Start of International Happiness At Work Week


The Bay and Algoma business district is suffering from a recent wave of vandalism.  Why not break things?  The court system isn’t going to do anything about it.

Plywood or chip board or strand board windows make this city look like its only a few steps away from shithole status.  At least paint the boards.

Mostly overcast

There is a slim window of sky that might allow for a nice sunrise. Not a great sunrise but a nice one.

You can see where the sun will come up.

There it is

The sun was very orange.  My camera does not show  that.

Soon to disappear behind the clouds


Only two of these left.  There used to be dozens.

Still busy.  Not very fast though.

Water bottle photo. There are a lot of water bottles laying around.  A lot.

Trash in context

Another water bottle photo.  This is one of several very large water bottles.

These are more like commercial sized water jugs.

Why these are laying around the festival area is unknown.

Left over from the music festival?


Downy Woodpecker

Why are these laying around?

Water bottle photo

Court Street and Red River Road intersection today

Never saw one of these before.

A Dew Drop Inn Yellowbagger was here.