Thunder Bay – Sunday – International Country Music Day

Up early again hoping for a good sunrise.

Not much light so this was a 30 sec. exposure.

This is the sky this morning.

There it is making an appearance in the gap.

After the sun disappeared behind the clouds,  you had this.  Looks like a fire

There was some colour in the clouds.  Some reflections.  As goos as it got.

Fall colours?

Trash in context. There was a few of these red cups laying around.

From where did they come?

Now why not finish the fries?   People today have too much money.  Going out for any meal of any kind was rare.  There was no way we would EVER not finish an order of restaurant fries.

A painted rock

Now we have reached the Wake The Giant festival area.  Any of this going to be recycled?  Is anything going to be recycled?  I’m guessing little to nothing.

I see Kelly’s finest rotgut wine was on the scene.  I noticed the large amount of trash that was scattered all around the area of the park that was being used for the festival.  A surprising amount of empty beer cans.  Did they serve beer at the Wake The Giant music festival?   The festival that was held for the DFC high school students that are in town from the northern reserves?   It had a liquor licence?

The unofficial smoking area.  You can tell it was unofficial because of all the cigarette butts laying on the ground.

Here is the official smoking area, There were two cigarette butt receptacles.  Notice that there are very few butts laying on the ground here.  Still, there were some which shows you just how some smokers are huge POS.

If you want a pair, here for the taking.  I expect this will end up at the landfill site along with everything else, except the beer cans.

Empty beer cans.

Another empty beer can. There were quite a few laying around.  I guess you need to get those high school students in town from up north used to the Thunder Bay lifestyle. Drinking and littering.

What is going to happen to these?  Landfill is my guess.

Landfill as well.

Another beer can

All going to the landfill site.  Why do I bother recycling anything?   Its not something that the City of Thunder Bay takes very seriously.   I bet that a large portion of the contents of that bin are recyclable material.  I have to rethink this.  I think that I am wasting my time and money at home recycling anything.

Recyclable? Compostable?  Who cares?

More empty beer cans

Water bottle photo

Another empty beer can

Arts and crafts?

No point in bringing it home.  Just toss it.  Somebody will eventually pick it up.  Landfill site is its  future destination.

Jacket? I don’t need no stink’n jacket.

An empty bottle.  Bottles are rare.

Another one of these.

Pink?  They come in pink?

Vodka coolers?