Thunder Bay – Saturday – International Eat An Apple Day

Up before the sun again

MV Resko

MV Federal Bristol

MV Mamry

That is where the sun is going to rise

And here it comes


Tried to get fancy.

The day has officially begun

The clouds did provide some additional colour

The site of the future “mistake on the lake” art gallery.  Still building forms for concrete.

Morning sky photo

An undignified end.

Passed by the encampment area.  The residents hare still sleeping.   Must have been a late night.  I think its wonderful that people have decided to take retirement BEFORE work.   Skip all those days where you had to get up early, go to work, come back home, make dinner, go to bed and then repeat for 30 years.

Music festival site.

This is from the old Port Arthur CPR train station.  Where was it located?  Water Street from Marina Park’s “Baggage Building”. The “Baggage Building” was in reality, the CPR Freight Office.  The train station was removed when Water Street was constructed.

Oooo we have a collector here.   This person is obvious mentally ill.

Bicycles and clothes.

Who will clean up this mess after the the temps drop down into the minus range and the resident has left for warmer accommodations?  Guess.  Hint: it involves your tax dollars.

Nice set up here.  Notice the shopping cart.

Shopping carts are communal property. Who knew?


The unhoused have their own trash cans?  I guess the trash collectors missed this one. Looks like unhoused don’t recycle.   Why not?

I remember when people could stroll along McVicar Creek enjoying the day.  Now the trail area is an encampment for the unhoused.  Yes, the term is unhoused, not homeless.

Ahh yes.  Maybe next summer, I will set up a camp along the lakeshore and hang out there on weekends.

Water bottle photo

Water bottle photo.  Court Street and Red River Road intersection. Still closed to through traffic.

Court Street

This is the new Court Street and Park Avenue intersection.  I will be interested to see just how these paving stones stand up to grader blades this winter. Concrete curbs do not fair all that well.

Water bottle photo

What was wrong with these two cherry tomatoes? The person just does not lake tomatoes?

I can remember that not that long ago, there was a house in that spot.  Its gone now.

Trash in context.