Thunder Bay – Friday

An overcast day with showers.  No spectacular sunrise this morning.

When is a grey overcast day, black and white is an option.

Trash in context.

There are nice reflections

Morning sky photo

Leaves are starting to change colour.

Cloud reflections.   Too bad the sky was not more interesting.


Almost ready for tomorrow.

Festival entrance

Trash in context

I always believed that the City of Thunder Bay should require building owners to make the front of their buildings attractive.  Paint the plywood.  Maybe murals.  Something more than this.  This building has looked like this for many years.  I think our high salaried residents of City Hall PLUS our elected representatives can do better.  Make our city more attractive.
A bylaw needs to be created and enforced.

I am sure there is a story behind this.

Trash in context

FREE THE CAN! Its time to move this City Of Thunder trash can outside of the fence at the Finnish Labour Temple construction site.

Water bottle photo