Thunder Bay – Tuesday

Interesting clouds this morning

I noticed this on the section of Court Street reconstructed last year.  The bike lane to be more exact.   Water gathers in low spots.  the lower, the more water sits there.

What I noticed is there seems to be a regular spacing of low spots.

Not sure what that means other than its not level.  I would expect the lane surface to slope slightly to allow water to drain into the gutter.

Someone drinking  Jägermeister.  Not something I see very often.  I can’t remember the last one I saw.

Two trains passing.

Still like this shot.

Painted rock.  Not sure what this pattern means.

Morning sky photo

MV Vectis Pride at Keefer Terminals and the MV Federal Mayumi is at the Thunder Bay Terminals.


Fall is coming

Tug MV Glenada

MV Brant

Trash in context Some did not enjoy their banana. Probably got it for free.  If they paid for it, I doubt they would have eaten it all.

OK.  The contractor working on Court Street excavated a short section of Red River Road.  And there are streetcar tracks. (here and here and here)  History.

Streetcars used these tracks from around 1891 to 1948.

Imagine if the streetcars were still operating. Next year, when they excavate Red River Road, there will be lots of these tracks uncovered.

Has this fossil vibe going for it.  I suspect this was a baby gull that fell off of the roof where the nest was located.  It could not fly sooo it was just a matter of time before it met its fate.

and today’s AI art piece…Simurgh