Thunder Bay – Affordable Housing

What is affordable? I think a house that costs around $100,000 might qualify as affordable. Watch the video. Might be the path to open up home ownership to a larger portion of the population.  Lower the cost of building homes.  Lower the price of homes. Entry level homes should not cost $750,000.  Entry level homes … Read more

The World – New World Next Week

Worth a watch if you are feeling waaay to happy and need something to bring you back down to earth. This week on the New World Next Week: the UN Secretary General announces the age of global boiling; the CDC rings the alarm on tick-borne meat allergy; and the wacky mid-summer news includes indictment of … Read more

Thunder Bay – Friday

Another orange sun this morning. Smoke. Trash in context Maybe one day, hopefully not too far into the future, this street light will be replaced.  Maybe before the cone is covered with snow?   I always wonder when a damaged piece of city infrastructure, something that is related to public safety, such as traffic signs, fire … Read more

The World – Who Really Runs The World? Three Asset Managing Companies. Then There Is George Soros.

Blackrock, State Street and Vanguard. Blackrock has more money than every country in the world other than the US or China..  Those three companies are major shareholders in 88% of the companies on the  S&P 500.  Defense contractors?  Also major shareholders.  Hollywood. Same. Then there is George Soros. If you believe that elected officials run … Read more

Thunder Bay – Thursday

I have photographed this storefront many times but that morning sun really makes that yellow pop. This machine was supposed to replace the parking meters in the area. As you can see from the photo above, the meters are still in use and the machine is covered in plastic trash bags.  An expensive piece of … Read more

Thunder Bay – Wednesday

Trash in context I still do not understand the requirement for a business to stick this sign in the window.  If the sign was not there, would people not think they were welcome in your establishment?  Why would that be?   If you need a sign out front of your shop telling people they are welcome, … Read more

The World – Companies With Good ESG Scores Pollute Just As Much As Those With Low Ones, New Analysis Finds

Companies With Good ESG Scores Pollute Just As Much As Those With Low Ones, New Analysis Finds As if there wasn’t exhaustive enough evidence that “ESG” is nothing but a scam, the Financial Times was out this week with a piece detailing how many companies with good ESG scores pollute just as much as their lower-rated rivals. … Read more

Thunder Bay – Homeless Industrial Complex

Population of homeless encampments continues to swell Organizations that provide outreach services to people without a permanent home have never seen a situation such as the one they’re witnessing this summer in Thunder Bay. At this time last year, Elevate NWO had counted 55 individuals living in tents in various encampments around the city. In … Read more