Thunder Bay – Saturday

Not a great morning sky Clouds are interesting Rainbow on Bay Amazing MV Viking Octantis is back Paddleboarder Still a few roses left Water bottle photo Trash in context McDonalds colourful trash. Brightens up an otherwise depressing downtown core. Trash in context Must have been quite the party down in the north core Trash in … Read more

The World – Trans Women Can’t Be Lesbians Says Lesbians

Sometimes you can’t make this stuff up.  The LGBTQI2S+ community has obviously been highjacked by a small group of extremists.  I believe that many LGBQI2S+ do not agree with the extreme stand taken by the Trans community.  In fact, I believe many people of the Trans community just want to quietly go about living their … Read more

Thunder Bay – Friday

Another smoky orange sun. Sooo I took a couple of photos of it. Fun with the sun. Landscape Portrait   Morning sky photo The wind blew down the tree that was the main focus of a the neighbourhood beaver for several weeks.  It is now a piece of public art.  Its on Pier 1 in … Read more

The World – FDA Now Says That Their Anti-Ivermectin Campaign Was Only A Recommendation.

Remember the whole “horse dewormer” thing?   Turns out, the FDA claims they never said that Ivermectin should not be prescribed for treatment of COVID. They never told doctors to not prescribe Ivermectin to humans. as a possible treatment for COVID. Its not exactly how I remember things went back then. “Grade-A Gaslighting”: FDA Says Anti-Ivermectin … Read more

Thunder Bay – Thursday

Trash in context.  A rare sighting of a Robin’s cup. Rail car photos. Looking east. Water bottle photo Cruise ship in port.  Work is slowly moving forward on the mistake on the lake.  I wonder how much progress will be done before snow starts to fall.   Sooo much construction time is being wasted. Empty until … Read more

Thunder Bay – Wednesday

Trash in context Rail cars Morning sky photo Original sky Replaced sky Replaced sky. Looks like a scene from the movie Sound Of Music.  Can’t you see Julie Andrews wading through these flowers singing? I wonder if the Pool 6 pier will be used?   I hope so.  I think it will be great to walk … Read more

Thunder Bay – Tuesday

Another nice day on tap. Trash in context.  Most people might think that this belongs in a trash can but not in Thunder Bay.  In Thunder Bay, trash belongs in window flower boxes. Reflections Nice colour. Artsy Every day, the sun rises a little later. Morning sky photo Boaters do not return empties for the … Read more

Thunder Bay – Monday

a nice looking day I am finding that I take more photos on the way to the park than I do IN the park. Its probably due to the light. I walk down early enough that the sun is still relatively low in the sky.  Not too long after i get to the park, the … Read more

The World – The Rise and Rhetoric Of The Climate Chicken Littles

The Rise and Rhetoric Of The Climate Chicken Littles For those who may not recall Chicken Little (AKA Henny Penny), the character was derived in the 1880s and was meant to be an allegorical character. Chicken Little was never intended to be the whimsical Disney fantasy character that it became. Chicken Little was infamous for over-exaggerating … Read more

Thunder Bay – Sunday

A sunny day Reflection in the window of a Kia Soul Now that is a full trash can.  See any recyclables in there?  It does not matter as its all going to the landfill.  I see some Yellowbaggers placed their trash in there as well. Step on a crack, break your mother’s back.  Lots of … Read more