Thunder Bay – Friday

Looking for colour on a gloomy, drizzly, overcast day Train car Some promising sky MV Verila Nice colours Nice cloud Another wet bee Nice reflecyions One of the city’s many knuckledraggers was busy. Pretty sure that this has been knocked down before. For those interested, this is what is underneath these things Geese are beginning … Read more

Thunder Bay – Thursday

another overcast drizzly morning Got some colour here. Flower photos today More wet bee photos I have no idea what plant this is but it is interesting These have started to show up These are still around I don’t remember seeing any of these before. Backfilling the holes dug around the piles down at the … Read more

Thunder Bay – Wednesday

Another overcast drizzly/rainy day.  Trash in context. I wonder what percentage of the homeless population in this city is Indigenous?   It appears that the Indigenous demographic punches far above its weight when it comes to homelessness in the city.  Why is that?   What is the problem? Does the Federal Government not have responsibility for the … Read more

The World – Secret Letter to CDC: Top Epidemiologist Suggests Agency Misrepresented Scientific Data to Support Mask Narrative

Secret Letter to CDC: Top Epidemiologist Suggests Agency Misrepresented Scientific Data to Support Mask Narrative Megan Redshaw, J.D Documents recently obtained from the National Institutes of Health suggest public health officials used inaccurate information and misrepresented medical research to advance their policy objective that masks prevent severe COVID-19 and virus transmission—despite opposing scientific evidence received … Read more

Thunder Bay – Tuesday

another overcast/drizzly morning. They will soon be gone so I will photograph any flower I come across. Ahhh yes, the construction of the “net carbon neutral”  art facility that is  taking place on the waterfront.  Right now, the steel piles are being cut off. Looks like a lot of carbon based steel being used in … Read more

Ontario – Province Assigns Thunder Bay Ambitious Housing Target

Province assigns Thunder Bay ambitious housing target The provincial government has assigned Thunder Bay an ambitious target for new housing builds, while moving one step closer to granting Mayor Ken Boshcoff and other heads of mid-sized cities “strong mayor powers.” Premier Doug Ford announced the moves, along with a new housing fund for municipalities that … Read more

Thunder Bay – Monday

Overcast with a chance of showers. I am not expecting much in the way of “good” photographs today.  I can only hope for a couple of minimally acceptable. Looks like a butt hunter was looking for something smokable. . Need a bike?  A little TLC and a seat.  Remember when bicycles had value? Rail cars … Read more

The World – The Welfare Crisis

 This video underlines the message of  one of my earlier posts. There is a massive industry developing around unemployment, welfare, homelessness and drug addiction. Are we only encouraging people to remain unemployed and on welfare? How much is it costing?  Are takers outnumbering givers?   Are the social welfare programs of the federal, provincial and … Read more

Thunder Bay – Sunday

Another orange sun this morning. I first thought that our high salaried residents of City Hall might have finally decided to fix this section of sidewalk but it looks like hydro poles are being replaced. I guess leaning poles are an issue but a sidewalk that, when covered in ice, is almost impossible to walk … Read more