Thunder Bay – Wednesday

This has been going on since last week sometime..

There is a hell of a lot of water slowing out of water line.  Water that has been treated., paid for by the citizens of Thunder Bay, into a sewer system that is also funded by the citizens of Thunder Bay.   This kind of blatant waste of a public resource is a slap in the face to the people who have to deal with the rising cost of utilities such as water.  Water is expensive EXCEPT if its the City of Thunder Bay’s water.  Then it has zero value.  Worthless.  Just let thousands of litres pour down the drain every day.  No big deal.

On top of that, it appears to be happening on a water line that has been previously repaired.  Not that long ago as the grass has not grown back over the excavation site.  You tax dollars at work. Remember this next time you look at your water bill.

Got a clear sky this morning. Cold and clear.


Its the marina office. I just like the shot when the sun rises over that mast.

Marina Park recycling.  Do you think any of it gets recycled?   I have my doubts.

Morning sky photo.

Sun peaking through the bulrushes. Not the shot I wanted but its the one i could get.  I might try this again a few time. I think there is a phot there somewhere.

Some flowers still producing some blooms.

Bees getting down to last couple of months.

I think its a Yellow-rumped Warbler

Not the sharpest. These guys move faster than my camera can focus on them.  More often that not, me getting a good photo of any Warbler is just plain luck.

Ban names have changed a lot from when I was young.  Slug Bate?  Forever Dead? Burial Etiquette?  Mother of Wolves?   Anyone remember the 1910 Fruit gum Company?

Some business got a delivery. Some piece of office equipment, I guess.  If this was simply left on the sidewalk, it would be classified as public art.  Speaks to me.  Powerful.  Both wood and plastic construction.  Ancient medium meets modern.

A bed.  Someone might have slept here.  Could be a chair as well.

The Court Street/Red River Road construction saga continues.

Water bottle phot

Dramatic water bottle phot