The World – PBD Talks WEF – The Organization That Wants To Control Your Life

The World Economic Forum is an extremely dangerous organization that wants to impose its rules and values on the world’s population without that population having any say in the matter. There is the ruling class and then there is everyone else.

Rules for thee and not for me.  Orwell’s Animal Farm mixed with his 1984 plus Huxley’s Brave New World. 

Check out the WEF’s Board of Trustees. Our Deputy Prime Minister and Minister Of Finance Crystia Freeland is right there. Also our Prime Minister is also linked to the WEF.  Sooo, it makes you wonder just who is running this country.  Klaus Schwab?

Expect Justin to end up with a job on some board on one of the many global organizations such as the WEF when he finally leaves Canadian politics.  Crystia?  She may already be there.