Thunder Bay – Saturday

Big sun this morning

Rebel Salad has a new sign in their window. I think its a bowl of something.

Water bottle photo


Rail car photo

Just thought it looked cool

Always trying to find a photo here.

I like this one.

Morning sky photo

The construction site of the “net carbon neutral” art facility being built on the waterfront.  Notice all the “net carbon neutral” steel.

Lots of it/

Above and below ground.

Some of the construction equipment that runs on “net carbon neutral” diesel fuel.

I have no explanation for this.  Its Marina Park. You can find almost anything there especially on a Saturday morning.   Friday nights are party nights in the downtown core.

Another  bee photo

Enjoying the morning sunshine.

The coloured rocks I mentioned in Thursday’s post have been rearranged. Does this mean something?  Is it the crows still trying to say something? .

Its bright red. In the winter, these produce of the small dabs of colour that you see amongst a very white landscape.

Court and Red River intersection today.

Almost looks like some sort of memorial.