Thunder Bay – Friday

Looking for colour on a gloomy, drizzly, overcast day

Train car

Some promising sky

MV Verila

Nice colours

Nice cloud

Another wet bee

Nice reflecyions

One of the city’s many knuckledraggers was busy. Pretty sure that this has been knocked down before.

For those interested, this is what is underneath these things

Geese are beginning to flock up.

This breed of maple has its leaves turn red early.  I am not a fan.

More reflections

Morning sky photo

The sun is shining on this ship. Only this ship. The MV Federal Satsuki

Geese out for a morning stroll.

Sun breaking through the clouds

Someone had a feast.  I have eaten this stuff when camping.

Court and red River Road intersection.

Looks like a butt hunter was here. A mass of discarded cigarette butts.

Still lots of flowers blooming.