Thunder Bay – Wednesday

Another overcast drizzly/rainy day.  Trash in context.

I wonder what percentage of the homeless population in this city is Indigenous?   It appears that the Indigenous demographic punches far above its weight when it comes to homelessness in the city.  Why is that?   What is the problem?

Does the Federal Government not have responsibility for the Indigenous population?

There is something broken in the whole Indigenous community if sleeping on the streets in Thunder Bay is preferred to remaining in their home community.

Home communities need to take responsibility for all of their population.

The solution to the homeless problem begins with the family unit or lack thereof.

You have kids, then those kids are YOUR responsibility.   The responsibility of the parents. The family.  Their community.  – previous related post here

What is going to happen to all that “net carbon neutral” steel pieces that have been cut off of the piles?   Are they going to be scrapped?  How much more carbon is going to be pumped into the atmosphere dealing with the these?


Morning sky photo

A vehicle parked on the walking trail that leads to the Pool 6 site.  Not sure what is going on in there.  Anyone using the trail will be met with a surprise at this end.


More wet bees

Spider webs

Trash in context

Trash in context

Double-crested Cormorant. Notice the colour of the eye

Hair crunchie

Trash in conext

A feral shopping cart

Delivering a container.  Has the city thought of building housing using containers?  You can build a lot of housing units quickly using these things.

Artsy photo

One of the last of my Clematis flowers.  Pretty small.  I guess the plant knows that the season is rapidly coming to an end..

Rain drops

and then there is today’s AI art piece…spaghetti and meatballs

Looks tasty