The World – I’m As Mad As Hell And I’m Not Going To Take This Anymore

Yes…what he said.  Everything Neil said about the UK goes double for Canada.

I too am waiting for the people in this country that remember what Canada was like when they were young to get angry. Angry about what is going on now.

The time to fight the social bullying that takes place against anyone who speaks up is here.  Inclusivity is demanded.  Sadly, inclusivity does not include people who disagree with the socialist agenda.  Inclusivity does not include people who speak up against the woke minority’s frothing at the mouth defense of their utopian ideocracy.

A woman can have a penis but a woman with a penis cannot be a lesbian.  Apparently their are rules.  Who knew?

Look, its time to put an end to this madness.  Remember the movie Network? It was released back in 1976 but could have been made today.

Maybe its time to go to your windows and shout “I’m as mad as hell and I’m not going to take this anymore”.

That is what terrifies the elitist socialists such as our Justin the most.

Remember the truckers in Ottawa?  Justin crushed them.  Closed bank accounts. Canceled truck  insurance.   Arrested them.  People are still being tried for that.  Sued by people in Ottawa.  All because they dared to speak up against Justin’s authority.

Permission will be granted for the rabble to protest as long as the rabble do not inconvenience anyone or disrupt traffic or make too much noise.   No music. No children. No feeding the poor and hungry.  No cleaning up the downtown.

Justin and his henchmen and henchwomen and hench??? must go.  This country does not need that draconian  bullshit.  He must go.