Thunder Bay – Friday

I have been ignoring this crap that is stuck on poles around the downtown core.   You see this stuff in Toronto all the time.

Rail car photos

Wasn’t raining yet but it sure looks like it was going to rain soon.

Morning sky photo


A couple more bird houses added to the steel forest in Marina Park.  Is it really a park though?   It may have been one at one time but I now have doubts.  The area is mostly marina and parking lots.   Asphalt covers a lot of the ground.  Trees are being removed.  The area is actually an “anti=park”.  The opposite of a park.


This one is not Inukshuk style.  More of a bungalow look.

Yup. This species of maple has its leaves turn red early. Sad but true.

Anyone missing a hat?

Looks like not all the gelato was consumed before discarding the containers.  Of course, being Thunder Bay and all, the containers were not placed into a trash can.