The World – New World Next Week

Worth a watch if you are feeling waaay to happy and need something to bring you back down to earth.

This week on the New World Next Week: the UN Secretary General announces the age of global boiling; the CDC rings the alarm on tick-borne meat allergy; and the wacky mid-summer news includes indictment of Trump

Interview 1824 – Can’t Beat the Heat? Don’t Eat the Meat! – #NewWorldNextWeek

show notes here

This week on the New World Next Week: Kissinger meets old buddy Xi Jinping in Beijing to discuss the New World Order plan; the banksters prepare the public for the age of debanking; and the Hollyweird actor and writer strike

Interview 1821 – Kissinger and Xi Keep Great Reset on Track – #NewWorldNextWeek

show notes here

After watching both videos, I am even more sure that we are seriously screwed.  I don’t see how we have any chance of stopping what is coming.  The social-media dependent generations of humans that are beginning to be in charge of the world,  do not seem to care.  Sadly, when or if they do realize they are screwed, it will be too late.

Luckily, I will be sooo old by then, it won’t matter tp me.