Thunder Bay – Wednesday

Trash in context

I still do not understand the requirement for a business to stick this sign in the window.  If the sign was not there, would people not think they were welcome in your establishment?  Why would that be?   If you need a sign out front of your shop telling people they are welcome, you have a problem.

Trash in context.

I have to flip the photo. Left three letters are kit and on the right are chen. Kitchen.

Some youngster lost a shoe.

Some adult lost a shoe

A couple of drivers are having a bad day today.

Great Blue Heron

Steel forest today. The contractor is still pounding more into the ground.

Morning sky photo

Cabbage White butterfly


Lots of colour

Nice day

The sailing vessel Can Do

I am sure there is a story here.

Looks like someone was doing some advanced calculations.

I have never had any of these Hard Ice Teas.

Artsy photo.