Thunder Bay – Tuesday – First Day Of August

Imagine what the local birds are thinking. All of this nest-building material laying right here just when the nests are already built and the children are ready to leave.

With an overcast sky, I decided to replace the sky in some photos just to make them look more interesting.

After editing

Rai car photos

Tried but was unsuccessful.  The large Black-eyed Susan was out of focus.  Sooo…

I tied the Generative Fill in Photoshop to replace the blurry flower.   Not exactly the same but not bad.

The “net carbon neutral”  waterfront steel forest.  It takes a lot of carbon to build a “net carbon neutral” building. I added the blue sky.

Another view of the waterfront steel forest.  I added the blue sky.

Morning sky photo. As you can see, the sky is not that photogenic this morning.

Almost all of the city’s lakeshore is “No Trespassing”  private industrial property.  No public access.

Tim’s is everywhere. There is much better coffee for sale in this city  but you have to get out of your vehicle to buy it.  You know, walk?

A dog has lost a piece of clothing. I am sure that, since the colour is bright orange, a person might notice that it was no longer on their dog.

Trash in context. I changed the sky in this one.

Hmmm…another set of discarded women’s clothing.  Shoes, bra, panties.   Just like the ones I photographed yesterday.  Creepy.

Thunder Bay POSs ripping up newly planted bedding plants and sticking them in a parking meter post.

Building these shrub/flower beds on the Court Street bump-outs seems like a great idea un til you notice that they are not maintained.  They become weed infested trash cans.

Water bottle photo

and then there is today’s AI art piece…a photo of a 1940s female movie star dressed in faerietale couture