Thunder Bay – Thursday – Last Day Of August

Nice orange sun this morning   Morning sky photo. The sun disappeared behind some fog/smoke/haze Sun is up there Nice reflection I think that this (Pool 6)  is where the fireworks are going to be launched from Someone left this behind after last nights Live on the Waterfront event.  Another tonight PLUS fireworks. I don’t … Read more

The World – Over 1,600 Scientists Sign ‘No Climate Emergency’ Declaration – Maybe The Climate Science Is Not Settled After All

Over 1,600 Scientists Sign ‘No Climate Emergency’ Declaration International scientists have jointly signed a declaration dismissing the existence of a climate crisis and insisting that carbon dioxide is beneficial to Earth, contrary to the popular alarmist narrative. Children take part in a climate change protest in Montreal on Sept. 26, 2020. (Graham Hughes/The Canadian Press) … Read more

Thunder Bay – Wednesday

This has been going on since last week sometime.. There is a hell of a lot of water slowing out of water line.  Water that has been treated., paid for by the citizens of Thunder Bay, into a sewer system that is also funded by the citizens of Thunder Bay.   This kind of blatant waste … Read more

The World – CDC: Increased Infection Risk In Vaccinated

Sooo let me get this straight…..the people who got the jab during the previous “pandemic” have an increased risk of infection by the new COVID variant?  And now, because of that fact, people who have already either had COVID or the jab, everyone needs to get jabbed again?  Seriously? Sounds to me that these jabs … Read more

Thunder Bay – Tuesday

I think that the banner on the pole needs replacement.  Really.  I wonder what tourists think about this city. A beer bottle. Rare as hens’ teeth.  Remember the stubby? Some colour in the sky. Water bottle photo The parking lots next to the Pearl Street entrance to Marina Park were full.   Wow.  What is going … Read more

Thunder Bay – Momday

More morning sun photos Morning sky photo What’s in the trash can? More bee photos Not the colour I want to see. KFC has fries? Not seeing any streetcar tracks. Disappointing. Trash in context.  Is this juice or drink?  Either way, its a lot of sugar that your body does not need. Trash in context … Read more

Thunder Bay – Sunday

Another nice sunny morning A statue of an angel holding a lightbulb Now this is getting interesting.  My attention is now focused on this mess.  How long before this gets emptied?  Its behind the fence sooo access is available.  Technically, its on the section on the public sidewalk that is located behind the security fence … Read more

Thunder Bay – Saturday

Big sun this morning Rebel Salad has a new sign in their window. I think its a bowl of something. Water bottle photo   Rail car photo Just thought it looked cool Always trying to find a photo here. I like this one. Morning sky photo The construction site of the “net carbon neutral” art … Read more