Thunder Bay – Monday

Rail car photo Trash in context Before sky replacement After sky replacement Before sky replacement After sky replacement.  Do I have to show up an hour before sunrise to get a great colour photos or can I just make them? Before sky replacement After sky replacement.  I think it would have been really cool if … Read more

Thunder Bay – Sunday

A cheap photography trick.  Real photographers would never stoop so low as to include this kind of photo in any of their collections.  Of course, I am not a real photographer. Interesting sky.  Has a religious element to it. Put up a fence and people will start throwing trash over it. Interesting collection of trash.  … Read more

Thunder Bay – Saturday

Some colour Trash in context Not sure what this is about. I did not see any hazard in that lane but what do I know.  Its Thunder Bay after all.  Most drivers do not pay attention to such signage because much of the time, there is no work going on. Yet, the signs are up. … Read more

The World – Last Week’s Record Temperatures Were Faked

Hard to know what is true and what is false today.  The whole climate change fear mongering  effort, is all about control and money. Control the population and line the pockets of the corporate elites. Our climate is controlled by the sun.  The sun goes through cycles.  Those cycles create climate cycles on earth. previous … Read more

The World – Why Progressives Ruin Cities

Hmmm….the carrot and the stick approach.   I am sure Thunder Bay is ALLLLL carrot. No stick. Only supplying carrots will solve nothing.  In fact, it will only attract more homeless individuals from other towns and regional areas.  Thunder Bay needs some stick.

Thunder Bay – Friday – Moon Day

On this day back in 1969, humans set foot on the moon. Maybe…. The clothes are all gone. Someone cleaned the area up.  The rug/carpet is still available though if you are in need of some floor covering. Why do I take photos of trash?  Just look at the colours.  Trash and flowers are the … Read more

The World – Excess Deaths In Australia

 I wonder what happened here in Canada? Our governments don’t seem to be in a hurry to tell us about the number of excess deaths in this country. Below is the video from Dr. John Campbell mention in the above video.  

Thunder Bay – Thursday

Not sure what is happening with the free clothes pop-up depot. Selection is still good for anyone interested.   Parts of a Coleman lantern? I am sure I have photographed this rail car before. But in case I have not, I took one. Public art piece. Its called “Breaking Down Barriers” . Powerful.  Makes you … Read more

Thunder Bay – Wednesday

I wonder if people are taking advantage of the free clothes line here.  It looks like there are fewer articles on the fence.  Free clothes for the taking. Rail car photos Another public art piece. Amazing just how many there are in Thunder Bay. The city is obviously an art mecca.  Public art wherever you … Read more