Thunder Bay – Tuesday

Took this photo because of the colour

TbayTel’s slogan is “We are in your neighbourhood”.  It should be Tim Horton’s.  Their cups are everywhere.

Want to confuse an American?  Tell them the temp in Celsius.

Water bottle photo

Now here is something I don’t see every morning.

A feral lawnmower.  I wonder if it still runs?  Needs some TLC and a few parts.  Could be a project for a DIY type of person.

Still lots of carbon based material to be pounded into the ground by a diesel powered machine operated by carbon based lifeforms on the construction site of the future “net carbon neutral”  mistake on the lake.  These “net carbon neutral” buildings sure use a lot of carbon.

Interesting ….

Great Blue Heron

Sixteen children!  I cannot imagine what that would be like. Sadly most will never reach adulthood.   Every time I see this family, there will be fewer children.  A couple might make it.

A shot of the sun and clouds


and then there is today’s AI art piece…a symbolism style artist’s impression of a cubism style artist’s  painting of a cube