Thunder Bay – Monday

Rail car photo

Trash in context

Before sky replacement

After sky replacement

Before sky replacement

After sky replacement.  Do I have to show up an hour before sunrise to get a great colour photos or can I just make them?

Before sky replacement

After sky replacement.  I think it would have been really cool if the concrete block art piece was positioned so that on the morning of the winter solstice, the sun would rise directly over the top of the sculpture.  Maybe some local Druids would have a ceremony down there.  No human sacrifices though.

What is happening with the old ore dock?  Is it going to be allowed to rust away?   How about the old Pool 6 wooden pier?  Why was it not made safe and opened up to the public?  Is it going to be allowed to rot away?

A painted rock

Yellow Warbler

Water bottle photo

Mother Merganser and children

The day after the Festival of Colours

Trash in context

Construction sites can be a gold mine of  potential public art pieces.

Trash in context

and today’s AI art piece

a cube as seen by a cubits artist