Thunder Bay – Sunday

A cheap photography trick.  Real photographers would never stoop so low as to include this kind of photo in any of their collections.  Of course, I am not a real photographer.

Interesting sky.  Has a religious element to it.

Put up a fence and people will start throwing trash over it.

Interesting collection of trash.  Most of its recyclable. None of it will be though.

This is No Name brand stuff is handed out as part of the Dew Drop Inn’s yellow bag free food program.

I thought it was a real flower. I was wrong.

Rail car photos

Looks like it might rain

Water bottle photo

Not quite in the recycling container, but close.  I guess the arm was just not quite long enough, and the feet were non-functioning.  Sooo here it is.

Bagpipers warming up before they go down and torture the passengers of the MS Viking Polaris.


After the Festival of India. Does it get used during the Festival of Colours?

A minimalist photo

Another minimalist photo

Setting up the fence for the the tossing of the coloured corn starch.

Water bottle photo

Another water bottle photo

Court Street construction so far

This is what is being replaced.  I could call this a public art piece. It has that artsy look to it. I wonder if the pieces could be turned into a sculpture of some sort.  Weld them together. Maybe a giant spider?

Or….this material could be hauled down to the “mistake on the lake” art gallery construction site and incorporated into the “net carbon neutral” building.  What are the three Rs?  Reduce, Reuse and Recycle?   These could be reused?  Maybe turned into a giant spider?

New sewage pipe. Sewage is green. Water is blue.

The sole bloom on my other Clematis plant.