Thunder Bay – Thursday

Not sure what is happening with the free clothes pop-up depot. Selection is still good for anyone interested.


Parts of a Coleman lantern?

I am sure I have photographed this rail car before. But in case I have not, I took one.

Public art piece. Its called “Breaking Down Barriers” . Powerful.  Makes you really think.

The hydroseeding operation at the Pool 6 site has begun

Its like the ground is being painted green.

I noticed that the spacing of the piles down at the future location of the “mistake on the lake” has been reduced drastically in this area. Also, the piles are being driven much deeper.  Must be really crappy ground.

The Great Blue Heron was around this morning

A raspberry there for the taking.

Still working on my bee photography.  These do not look bad.

Now how did that pink thing get in there?

Taking down the big stage after the Live From The Waterfront event yesterday.   What’s the cost of setting up and taking down the stage?

Morning sky photo

Geese swim in a line. How is the order decided?

Trash in context

Water bottle photo

Yesterday was Camp Day at Tim’s.  I expect to see Camp Day trash around for the next week or so.

and then there is today’s AI art piece…..anaglyphic