Thunder Bay – Wednesday

I wonder if people are taking advantage of the free clothes line here.  It looks like there are fewer articles on the fence.  Free clothes for the taking.

Rail car photos

Another public art piece. Amazing just how many there are in Thunder Bay. The city is obviously an art mecca.  Public art wherever you look. This piece is titled “unfulfilled promise”.  Its the old story of the four saddest words ….What Might Have Been.

Morning sky photo

Trash as art?

A small forest of steel.  If the work stopped right now, we would have the city’s most ambitious public art piece.   Its could be titled “Nyet Carbon Neutral”.  Not sure how pounding 300 steel piles into the ground can be considered Net Carbon Neutral  but somehow it is.  Then there is all of the glass that will be installed.  I do not think that the manufacturing process for glass is not Net Carbon Neutral.

American Goldfinch


Beaver still hanging around?

Trash in context


Non stop woker

Water bottle photo

Foggy out there

Downy Woodpecker


Going to use the big stage tonight for “Live On The Waterfront”.  A stage of this side is not really required for these shows but the city got all of the free money sooo here we are.  The stage gets used maybe half a dozen  times year for community events.  I believe community events are free for the public to attend. If there is an admission fee, then it is NOT a community event.  Bluesfest and Wake The Giant are not community events.  They are festivals that charge attendees.  They can pay to rent a stage.  Taxpayers should not be on the financial hook to supply a stage. That cost belongs to the show promoters.

Trash in context.