Thunder Bay Sunday

Trying to be invisible.. Its not working.

Rail car photos

When someone tells you “not 1 iota”, you can now say that is not true. There is 1 iota.

Supposed to give you wings.

I was thinking.  The “mistake on the lake” is supposed to be a “net carbon neutral” facility which is the reason why the estimated  cost has ballooned from $33 million to $48 million and counting.

But look at all the steel. How much carbon is represented here?  The processes used in manufacturing all of the material that will be used to build the facility, deliver it to the construction site PLUS manufacture the material required to run and maintain the construction equipment used to do the actual construction and deliver that material to the city must have created a gigantic carbon footprint.  All that BEFORE the facility is even open. Does that count?

This entire “net carbon neutral”  crap is just that…crap.

To be truly “net carbon neutral”, the facility should have been built out of logs that were cut down by people with axes and transported to the site by horse and wagon.  All the work done by hand.  Of course, the trees that were cut down would need to be replaced by seedlings.  No glass windows.  No lights.  A fireplace for heat.

Lots of carbon here.

Morning sky photo

Risley still hanging around Pool 6

Another one of these.

Water bottle photo

Crushing the empties. Remember when beer came in bottles?

Water bottle photo

MV Osogovo is still anchored out there.

Water bottle photo

Trash in context

I sure would not be the business working out of this building in the north core.  I am sure this corner is used as a urinal and a trash disposal area.   Sometimes there is vomit as well. Urine and vomit…

Trash in context. Lots of empty beer cans around.

Court Street construction so far. Work continues between Park Avenue and Red River Road.

No archeological material discovered so far? Bodies?