Thunder Bay – Friday

Another example of why trash cans WITH LIDS need to be mandatory.

Trash in context

Trash in context

Morning sky photo. A very nice morning indeed.

No hydroseeding yet.

Busy still pounding steel.  The noise is intense.  Not only can you hear it, you can feel it.  It makes walking around the south half of the park a miserable experience.  Oh, you can hear it all over the park.  Its just less intense in the Festival area.

With several hundred piles still to go, this torture is not going to end anytime soon.  You would think that after hundreds of years of construction experience and innovation that our civilization would have progressed beyond using what is basically a rock to pound in a metal stick into the ground.  Technology that was first used  many thousands of years ago.

I am sure there is a story here.  Was it thrown from the ground or did it fall out of the sky?  Is the foot still inside the boot?  Sooo many questions.

MV Osogovo

Water bottle photo

Great Blue Heron

I see that our high salaried residents of City Hall have decided to install turf on the Viewing Circle located at the end of Pier 2.  Something that should have been done as part of the original design.  Instead, some future Mensa candidate decided to install a plastic paving grid. The grid product began to immediately fail.

Photo taken on May 18, 2023. This is the plastic paving grid that was installed and then removed.

Brew Ha going on today and tomorrow,

Trash in context.

Looks like the Great Blue Heron has moved

Water bottle photo

Fine dining in Thunder Bay. Is the bag still full?

Back when people would stick anything on their face and feel protected against the virus.

and then there is today’s AI art piece….What if Da Vinci used a Sony A7 Mark 4 to photograph the model instead of painting her when creating the Mona Lisa?